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AI Activation Index

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Identify and close the gaps to take full advantage of AI in your organization

Deciding how to close the gaps between where you are with AI, and where you want to be, is a complex challenge due to strategic uncertainties, cultural shifts, technical complexities, legal considerations, and the ever-present need to keep employees engaged and motivated.


With the right insights, you can chart a course forward with confidence.  We've worked with thousands of individuals and companies and understand the challenges leaders face in navigating this exciting new space. We developed the AI Activation Index as a framework to assess and then activate AI within your organization.

Identify the Gaps: Domain Scores

The Domain Scores provide a quantitative evaluation of the current state of AI in your organization in five areas critical to a successful AI implementation. We conduct an anonymous, organization-wide survey that takes about 20 minutes to complete. The data can be segmented by location, function, level, and tenure.

AI Strategy 
How clear is our AI strategy? Does leadership endorse it? Do our teams understand it? How are they implementing it?


Usage and Literacy

How are staff using AI now? How well do they understand its risks and rewards? How are they learning about how to use it well?


Organizational Culture
Does our culture support AI experimentation? Does it support the training that will be required? Where is there resistance to AI? 


Governance & Ethics

How clear is our AI policy? Does it integrate ethical considerations? Do our teams understand it? How well do they follow it?

Technical Readiness
Do our people have the necessary knowledge and skills to implement AI into their workflows? Do we have the right AI talent on-board?

Discover Opportunities: SWOT

We use a crowdsourced AI platform that allows employees to submit ideas about the organization's AI posture and opportunities, and to rate and prioritize the ideas of others. The result is a qualitative, team-driven matrix that provides insights into specific initiatives the organization should pursue, and areas where it needs to improve. 


How is our organization poised to take advantage of AI? What aspects of our structure, culture, position us well?



How will our organization struggle to take advantage of AI? What aspects of our structure, culture, and people need attention?


Where can AI improve our business?  Where can it accelerate growth? Where can it make us more efficient in our operations?



What external factors threaten our success? What are our current competitors doing with AI? Where will new competitors emerge? 

From Assessment to Action

Using the quantitative and qualitative results, we work with you to create an Activation Plan tailored to where you are now with AI, your organizational culture and infrastructure, and the specific opportunities identified by your teams.


This plan can include training, policy support, masterminds, internal champion programs, guided experimentation, use case development, and ongoing advisory services. We tend to define a small set of initiatives at first, work with your internal teams to activate them, and monitor and evaluate their progress. We build on our successes and learning to broaden the activation scope in an iterative manner. 

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